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pigeon nesting on balcony

22 17:49:42

Hi there, I live in Japan and discoverd a nest over the drain on my balcony.  I twice removed the nest as it was being built thinking the birds would go elsewhere. No such luck. I checked the other day and found an egg! I didn't touch it and decided I would just relent and let them have the area.  I hope the nest will be rebuilt as the bird is just sitting on the egg.  I am not sure what to do now. They are behind an area where I hang my laundry to dry.   Any suggestions?

Hello Michelle and thank you for your post.
The nest will probably not be rebuilt this year, but next year the same pigeons will come back and build another nest.
The egg that the female is sittint on may still hatch, however, the young pigeon will probably not come back.  The parents have claimed this area as theirs, and once the baby is old enough to leave the nest, the father will make sure that it does so.
There is really nothing that you can do but to let them have this little space.  They will come back every year and nest in the exact same place.
Pigeons, believe it or not, are smart animals, and if you can get their trust, they will bring much joy, even if they're wild.

Good luck and God Bless.