Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > BUDGIES AKWARD BEHAVIOR


22 17:49:45

I bought a companion for my budgy 3 weeks ago and it seems to me that
since this new one is in the cage they bought spend a lot of time grooming or
Also when I come back at home in the evening they are bought on the higher
part of the cage holding themselves onto the bars, like if they were scared or
something. I thought they might have some parasites...can you help

sounds like they were very scared of something they can die from being frightened you know...think about what or who was in the area there cage is in...might a cat have jumped onto there cage or pawed at them through the bars? might a dog have been barking at them? could someone have shaken the cage or yelled at them? could doors have been slammed/radios turned very loud? It jsut seems like they've been spooked check these things and find out what spooked them and make sure it doenst happen again.