Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Rooster with possible injury! Please help!

Rooster with possible injury! Please help!

23 9:34:28

Hello, it's me again the one with the possible
egg bounded hen. Well, if you don't remember thats OK. :) By the way she seems to be back to herself now! I'm so glad!

Anyway, I have a old rooster I'm not sure of what age with a strange, very strange dried substance on his wing shoulder. Its about the size of golfball roughly and is pitch black and crusty
and hard. I don't think its  and his wing isn't broken either because he can still hold it up. I examined him and noticed on his other wing he had a much smaller round bump about the size of a small cherry but in that it was just skin covering it and it was pink like his skin. The second bump is in the exact same place as the first bad looking one. I also noticed on his feet
just above his back toe he has small bumps that are not normal in roosters (not a spur). I'm having such bad luck with chickens I am doing all I can to keep my chickens healthy.
Do you think it is tumors? please say No...
He 'is' a old chicken but not 10 years old.....
He (Henry) isn't in contact with other chickens including other roosters where he could get hurt by them...already learned that the hard way.:(
He is the same in his activity level and usual daily behavior.

Please if you have any ideas on what this could be please, let me know as soon as you can...



hello again,
you're rooster has a bad case of bumble foot. this is caused when the roosts they sleep on have little spikes comming out and they stand on them. or when they jump off the roosts (or anything) and land with a thumb. this normaly happens in heavyer breeds. i'm sorry to say, but he is most likley to die. i had a hen last year, and i tryed to save her by poping the bump on her foot. but it was already to late. she had the same gross black thing on her neck. the best thing to do is to put him down. if you ever notice a bump or a sore on a chickens foot, pop it with a sterilsed needle and wrap it up. if he is acting normal, and going threw his day fine, then he may be alright...but its hard to say. it sounds like he has a pretty bad case. bumblefoot doesn't transfer from bird to bird. but having him on his own is a good idea. i'm really sorry, you probably didn't want to hear me say that it would be a good idea to put him down, but, if he is acting normal then there really is no need for it. once he starts acting sluggish, and looks sick, then it would be time.