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First Budgie Egg

22 17:47:36

I have 2 budgies (male and female) and i wanted to breed them for the first time (and mine!) i got the nesting box,cuttlefish,breeder seed mix, minerals etc: and fresh fruit and veg and then only today noticed Indi (female) in her box making strange noises and soon after i looked in the box and there was an egg!! I was waiting for this day!! But now the egg is here i wanted to know what temperature the whole cage should be in (right now they are in room with heater - but not directly on them) Smudge(male) is being really good and feeding Indi and guarding box, i have also seen them mating yesterday and the day before so does this mean she will have more eggs later? Thanks i hope this question made sense . . .

Hi, Georgia,

The temperature of the room should be what you feel comfortable in when you are in the room in a T-shirt.  The female will keep the eggs at the temperature they need to be at when she incubates the eggs.

Your budgie can lay 4-6 eggs per clutch.  The more often they mate, the better chances are that all eggs will be fertile.  Visit my website for more information:
