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Cockatiel Attacks

22 17:50:44


Our family Cockatiel just passed away after 21 years with him.  I just bought two new Cockatiels.  I believe they are both males.  One is a Cinnamon and the other a Lutino.  The Lutino one attacks the other when he wants to eat or play on the swing.  Should I separate them ASAP or wait and see if the Lutino begins to behave.  I know scolding him is no use because they do not understand punishment.

Please advise before my presious Cinnamon gets hurt.

Thank you.


Hello Anabel and thank you for your post.
I'm sorry for the loss of your first cockatiel, but at 21 years old, it sounds like you took great care of him.
As for the two new birds, were they together in the same cage before you got them?  If so, they have probably gotten used to each other and separating them may not be a good idea.  If they weren't, then you might want to keep them separated.  
Just be aware that when they are old enough to breed, they will become very aggressive to each other and will fight (if they are both males).
I have a Lutino female with a Grey male in the same cage, and the Lutino does pick on the Grey sometimes, but nothing serious.  Just keep an eye on them and see if your Lutino chills out any.  If not, then I would separate them.

Good luck and please keep me updated.

God Bless.