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First time eggs

22 17:48:51

QUESTION: Hi, I have two parakeets. One female the other male. This isn't her first egg but it's the first we've found to be fertile. We don't have a hut for her to nest in. So she sits on the egg as it is(on the floor) The male will disturb her from sitting sometimes. And she even leaves to get a munchie real quick. I'm just a little concern than without a decent nest, the egg won't hatch. Is the nest a MAJOR factor in egg hatching or can she still sit as it is? She also started sitting on it almost right away too. Also will she get depressed if the egg doesn't hatch? Oh and she never lays 6 eggs, only two to three. Is this still normal?
ANSWER: Hello Courtney and thank you for your post.
If the egg is gertile, then it will hatch on the floor, although this is not the best place for the baby. Get her a nesting box, and once she starts going into it, then put the egg into it to let her sit on it inside the nesting box.  If it doesn't hatch, or if it's not fertile, she will quit sitting on it on her own, which is a safe time to remove the egg.  She will be fine if it doesn't hatch.
Some birds only lay one or two eggs while some other lay more.  This just depends on how many eggs your bird's body produces.  I have a 9 year old cockatiel that has been an incessive egg layer for the past two years.  She was, at one point sitting on 17 eggs because she wouldn't let me remove any of them.  My 3 year old female only lays 2 or 3 eggs.  It's nothing to worry about.

Good luck and God Bless.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Things are going well with the egg laying except for the male. He will chase her away from the egg and attempt to play with it. He has even tried to mate with her again while she is sitting on the egg. What should we do about that? Why is yhe doing that?
ANSWER: Hello again Courtney.
You might have to seperate him from the female and the egg until it either hatches or she quits sitting on it.  His hormones have not yet been satisfied, and he will continue to try to mate more with her.
You can keep him in a cage in the same room, right next to hers, but I would seperate him.

Please keep me posted.

God Bless.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Ms Dianna. Well the Cluth never hatched. But the birds were a little smelly. So we gave them a small dip in the tub with warm water. Both here a little jilted. The female seems to have a difficulty flying now, did we do something bad?

Hello again Courtney.
How warm was the water?  It may have been too hot for her.  Get her into a Certified Avian Vet to have her checked.  I never recommend putting abirds into a tub of water, I usually recommend either a shallow dish of water in the cage, or a mist sprayer with water.  If you use a shallow dish of water, let it set until it's room temperature before putting it into the cage.  This way the bird(s) can take a bath when they are ready to do so.
Please keep me updated.

God Bless.