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Budgie eats paper, Good or Bad?

22 17:41:44

i have a budgie and he is about a year old now. I'm a bit concerned about him eating paper. is it okay? He likes to jump on the catalogues we get in the mail and he literally starts eating the paper. He also eats the paper in exercise books too, and tissues or the T.V. guide if he gets a chance. Is this harmful for him or is it just normal budgie behavior. We try not to let him eat the paper but sometimes he does the sneaky and manages to when we are not looking. Also why would he eat the paper?

Hello Erik,

Your bird is exhibiting normal parrot nesting behavior. It is highly unlikely that she is actually ingesting the paper. Is she was you would see it (still looking like paper) in her droppings. If there is actually paper in her droppings then you do need to take great care that she never have access to paper as great amounts ingested would be harmful.
