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i just got a parrot and need advice

23 9:34:29

hello Maggie,
I am 12 years old and live in roosevelt utah and have just got a parrot, he was owned by people who abused him and then given to me by two people who lived in a condo and he was just to noisy and their neibors complained he is not fond of humans and does not like me i do not no how old he is or what breed. I was wondering if you would know how to get him to be quiet i dont mind occasional nois but he screams whenever he sees a human.
i wold like to tame him down but dont know how  so if you could give me any advice i would appreciate itif you could give me some advice
i have pictures of him if you would like to see.

           scincerely Cambree Carroll

Here are some books/articles that are free (online) for general public use... they cover topics about parrot care, taming and behavioral issues (like screaming): (about "second-hand" parrots)
(a story of an African grey that seemed "untamable" at first, but whom learned to trust his caregiver and the story about how this trust developed.

I hope this helps. If you like, you can send me a photograph of your parrot so that I can identify what species your new companion is. (That might help me find more specific behavioral information for you).
