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Thinking about a parakeet

23 9:33:49

I live in an apartment and want a parakeet. But I'm worried that it'll screech loudly when I'm gone for a few hours every day and bother my neighbors. Do parakeets tend to get really loud when left alone? Or would having one in an apartment be okay? Thanks very much.

Hi Krisi,

To me, parakeets (also known as budgies) are not loud. However, I have known people to get rid of their budgie(s) because they thought they were too noisy. No bird is silent, but as a general rule, budgies do well as apartment birds.  If you are concerned about the noise, I would recommend visiting with lots of budgies at friends, breeders and/or pet stores and listen to their calls. Ask yourself honestly if you think that would disturb you, or your neighbors.

Let me know if you have any other questions. :)
