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Wild dove

22 17:37:06

Its partner or mate was killed by grandchildren cat.  the mate continues to sit on the nest, not leaving it.  Is there a way I can see to it that it gets it correct nutrition? should I buy dove food and put it near its nest?  thought I could put up a paddle very near the nest and put a small cat dish on it with food and water.  Have crushed some egg shell for calcium for it.  It is under my patio which has some shelter from wind and rain.  Have a nylon cover over patio.  Believe it is high enough that the cat cannot reach it.  The mate was killed 03/31/09 trying to eat a bit of cat food. Please respond soon, am anxious to help the mate and its eggs.  Have not climbed up to the nest yet, as I am 72.  Do not know how many eggs it is sitting on. Or do you have someone in my area to help. Thanks Alice  

Hi, Alice,

I'm sorry I didn't see your post sooner.  It was in the question pool and I just saw it.

You are great to try and help this bird.  Yes, you can buy dove food or any type of wild bird food and place near the nest or on your patio.  The bird will most likely watch where you place the food and be ready to eat once it no longer sees you.  You can watch from afar (through a window inside your house, etc.) and shoosh the cat away if/when it would come at the same time the dove is eating.  Sometimes a person can make good friends with a wild animal that is helped.  Do not put yourself in jeopardy by trying to place the food close to the bird...ask someone to do this for you if this is what you want to do.  You certainly don't want to fall trying to place food near the bird.  The dove will be very hungry and may not pay attention to predators while eating, particularly if there are hatchlings in the nest.  The bird will also need lots of water, as doves/pigeons drink after eating in order to soften up the grain in their gullet.  Doves/pigeons lay 2 eggs per clutch, so there should be 1-2 eggs in the nest.  This bird will not leave its eggs/hatchlings until/unless it is driven away by predators and/or its eggs aren't going to hatch.  It only takes about 18 days of incubation for the babies to hatch, if they hatch.

I wish you and this bird much luck.
