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Lovebird wont stop laying eggs!

23 9:32:54

Hi Chrys,

I wrote in with a question (Horny Lovebird? 4/7/2005) with which you offered me a very helpful answer.  Unfortunately since then my bird has laid eggs twice, one egg the first time and two yesterday.  I haven't mated her so they will not hatch (much to her disappointment I'm sure, she's still sitting on them!) but I don't know what to do to stop her from laying them or from being so intent on mating (behaviour she continues to display as from last question).  

I'm worried because I did read somewhere that if you have a bird that is inclined to continue laying eggs this can be detrimental to her health due to the consumption of calcium from her in producing the eggs.  It also said that if this behaviour continues it may be best to offer her to a breeder who can 'cater to her needs' but obviously this would be the last option I would want to take.  Please help me as I don't know what to do and I don't want to give her away.

Thanks very much.


Hi, Kelly.  

Be sure to remove any nestbox.  The presence of a nestbox or any type of "enclosure" where your lovebird can lay eggs must be removed.  You need to reduce the amount of time light is available to your lovebird, i.e., only allow your lovebird to have/be in light 10 hours per day.  Reducing the amount of light available in the day similates the fall/winter season.  Most parrots do not breed in fall/winter (when days are shorter).  Breeding season begins when the days become longer and light is available longer in the day.  Also, make sure you provide a cuttlebone for your lovebird to replace any calcium she might need in her body as a result of her egg laying.

If the above does not work, take your lovebird to an avian veterinarian (exotic bird vet...not a cat/dog vet).  What you have read is true.  The bird vet can give your lovebird a hormone injection that will stop her laying for a period of time (I can't recall how long this period of time is, but I seem to recall perhaps it's 9-12 months).  If you can't find an avian vet in your area, go to my website for a link to help you find the closest bird vet in your area:  You can also try calling some parrot breeders in your area to see if they can recommend a local bird vet.  Some parrot breeders may be able to provide this injection for you in order to stop your lovebird from laying (some vets equip parrot breeders with meds they might need on a regular basis).

Come back if you need to.  Thanks.
