Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > budgie in trouble i think

budgie in trouble i think

23 9:32:45

i hope maybe you've seen this before....

my budgie got a thread wrapped tight around his leg that i couldnt get off and now the leg has swelled and i dont want to cut into it to get the thread...that would be an excruciating experience and i dont know if he or i would be able to handle it.

is there anything i should know?
is he going to lose his foot,
and if so is that possible without him getting rigamortis?

i cant afford to ask a vet these questions.
Thank you for your time.

Hi, Jonny.  Thanks for posting.

The thread MUST be removed ASAP.  If you can't remove it then you need to take your budgie to a bird veterinarian IMMEDIATELY.  Your budgie will lose the use of it's foot/leg at least, not to mention the severe pain he will continue to be in, as well as other complications that can result (infection, death, etc.).
