Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > my budgies in trouble

my budgies in trouble

23 9:32:45

i hope maybe you've seen this before....

my budgie got a thread wrapped tight around his leg that i couldnt get off and now the leg has swelled and i dont want to cut into it to get the thread...that would be an excruciating experience and i dont know if he or i would be able to handle it.

is there anything i should know?
is he going to lose his foot,
and if so is that possible without him getting rigamortis?

i cant afford to ask a vet these questions.
Thank you for your time.

You need to get your bird to a vet ASAP!  

You can find a vet near you at one of these websites:


I am not a vet, and this bird needs medical attention from what you've described.
