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Cockatiel ball of fluid?

22 17:41:29

Hi, our 3 year old cockatiel has developed what looks like a ball of fluid hanging from the rectal area. The bird does not appear to be in pain eats well and has no other signs of trouble, what do you think it is?



I know the old saying, if it isn't broken don't fix it, pops into my mind when I read this, but if it were me, I would find an avian vet to get it removed. I would be concerned that your cockatiel may get tempted to chew it or something. I couldn't say if it is benign or malignant, and I know some vets would say to leave it incase it aggravates growth, but I don't know how big it is or if its growing. It could be connected to a vain as cysts often are, or it could be just a spot where a little feather hasn't grown out properly. In some birds, their vents can get swollen due to ill health, but if it is hanging like you say, then I would suspect it is something worth checking into further.

Please see an avian vet about this one.

I am sorry that I can't say more than that really on this one, but it really is something that a vet aught to diagnose by seeing it.

Let me know what happens.
