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parakeets & cakatoos

22 17:41:30

for chirstmas my parents just bought me 2 parakeets and they got my syster 2 to, but the thing is we already had a cakatoo named dandy.she is verey efetionat when it comes to people but we r not shur how she will respond to having 4 other birds in the house sence we have never had other birds before. we have just resently brought the cage down from my room to see if she will exsept them. the first time we tryed this dandy backed away to the midle of the cage, but after about 8 min. she came out, brought her crest up and sprread her wings out as if to so them how tuff she was. then she climed down and started biting the cage thaat the parakeets were after about 30min. after bring them down dandy is almost asleep. we r still wondering who she will respond.


Interesting question. Bird behavior is a very complex thing.

Cockatoos really are one of the most emotionally complex of parrots. Think of them as a 3 year old trapped in a birds body. They like to be the center of attention and when they don't get their own way, they can really throws some tantrums.

I would be extremely careful and patient when introducing new birds to a cockatoo, especially little ones. Cockatoos can get extremely jealous.

To start with, don't move your cockatoos cage to a different place to accommodate the other birds and always do what you have always done with him. Feed him first, go up to the cage and talk to him first when you get in. This stops your cockatoo feeling his status in the house has changed and will prevent him from becoming insecure about the new arrivals.

Do the introducing in stages and be patient. Introduce a little at a time, but remember that it is your cockatoos room. Maybe take him to the room where the parakeets are so he feels less threatened. Don't keep the cages too close to each other as it will probably create a territorial reaction.

Give your cockatoo lots of treats and fuss while your doing this, to reassure him.

Please contact me again to let me know how you are getting on, as this really does depend on your birds individual nature and how he reacts.
