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parakeets do they die from this

22 17:48:08

i just wanted to know something. i own 3 parakeets and i use to handle them daily but now my mom told me not to because she said they could become dumb and die and i was wondering if this is true that they die from being handled too much thank you

Birds could die from stress. And handling could be stressful for those birds. I don't understand the dumb part.

As it meant as that the parakeets become too much human baby and not birds any more, then taking birds in your home and feeding it is already the step that make the bird apart human and a pet.

And pets can't live any more in the wild. They become too dumb to feed themselves.

Look very good at the birds and try to let them do their thing and you will see if they want to be handled.

Please ask a parakeet expert about the effects of the daily handling.