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Budgie Nibbling

23 9:33:33

My new budgies are beginning to nibble my fingers.(They are about 10 months old.) Should I discourage this nibbling? Will they bite harder as they mature?

Hi, CF.  Thanks for posting.

Actually, they can bite pretty hard right now!  I wouldn't discourage the nibbling.  They are "discovering" what you are!  Birds use their tongues like we do feel and taste things they are curious about.  A lot of people mistakingly think that whenever a bird puts it's beak up to a person's skin and/or around their finger that they are going to bite.  Sometimes this is true, but a lot of times it isn't.  The tip of a budgie's tongue is hard to see since they are so small, but on a larger parrot, you can see that at the end of the tongue is a very hard layer of skin, kind of like a calous we would get...they use this hard skin to taste things, to feel the texture of things, try to figure out what something is, etc.  Often times, birds also like to pick at little scabs or imperfections only they can find on our skin.  Therefore, I wouldn't discourage this "discovery" process.  However, when/if they do bite down too hard, you have to let them know it's too hard so they will learn their own strength and just how much you will take.  When they bite hard, jiggle your hand a little so as to disrupt their focus (some bird people refer to this action as "the earthquake") or use your finger and push their beak aside gently, and scold s/he by saying "no" or "stop" or whatever word you want to use.  You must you this same word consistently when they do this so they will learn right from wrong.  Another thing you could do to train them is put s/he back in their cage whenever they bite too hard or put s/he back on the T-stand (or whatever type of "punishment" you desire to use, as long as you DO NOT harm/strike the bird).  Consistency is the key.  Sounds to me like they are just curious little budgies!

Come back if you have further questions/concerns.  Thanks.
