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infertile Conure eggs

22 17:49:41

Our 9 year old Green Cheek Conure just laid her first egg.  All this time we
thought Bert was a male!!  Since Bert is an only child and the egg (s) will be
infertile, when do we remove them from the nesting box?
What an Easter surprise!!!

Hello Leanne and thank you for posting.
Happy Easter!!!, lol.
Bert will sit on her egg until SHE realizws that it won't hatch.  When SHE quits sitting on her egg(s) is the safe time to remove it (them).  She will either push it aside or quit sitting on it altogether, usually in about 3 weeks. If you remove the egg too soon, she may lay more, and this could lead to incessive egg laying.

Good luck and God Bless.