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Parakeet with Mucus

22 17:47:32

Hi, I have a 4 year old male Parakeet, and we have noticed in the last year or so that he has these fits where he vomits up a lot of mucus.  He practically soaks himself as he is shaking his head while he does this.  I have taken him to a vet here where I live, but they said they didnt know what could be causing this, and that the only way to know what is causing it would be to take him to an aviary specialist, which of course we dont have in the vicinity.  I was just wondering if there was anything  I could potentially rule out (or in) as to what might be causing this behavior.  Every time this occurs, I thoroughly clean out his cage, and change his water and food.  I make sure I change his food and water regularly thru out the day, and I put a heat lamp on him when he starts feeling this way.  It usually starts with him not eating for a day or so, and him sleeping all day and night long.  He will be on two feet and has his head tucked into his wing...and he is all puffed up looking.  Then after about a day or two of that, is when he starts vomiting up the mucus, which is pretty clear looking, but rather thick.  Once he has finished doing that, and after he has warmed up and dried off from the heating lamp he seems to be much better.  He eats and drinks again, and even sounds alot more like himself with a few little songs here and there.  And he will be fine for a week...or sometimes a month, or even longer before the next spell occurs.  I just dont know what to do to make things better for him, and I wonder if I can do something that might prevent this from happening.  Any information you could provide me with would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks much

Hello Jennifer and thank you for your post.
I am sorry that it took so long for me to answer you, but I had computer problems that are hopefully resolved now.
It sounds like your bird might have some respiratory problems.  Do you use anything around the house such as air fresheners, candles, or perfumes.  Try tracking the activities that are going on as (s)he is getting sick and see if you can pinpoint them that way.  Your local vet is right, though.  Your bird should be seen by a Certified Avian or Exotic Animal Vet to find out what the problem is.

Good luck and God Bless.