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My cockatiel seems depressed

23 9:33:46

Recently we got a puppy and ever since then my cockatiel has not been very happy.  She is still eating but doesn't interact with family members too much and she isn't grooming herself.  I plan on taking her to the vet for a check-up but was wondering if this could be the problem.


I would definately have a vet look at your bird to be safe... however, since her change in behavior is in timing with the addition to the new puppy- her behavior is probably a result of the stress of having a puppy around.

Make sure that your cockatiel has plenty of quality time with you (without the puppy around).  Also make sure that the puppy is kept away from your bird for a good part of the day... until she can get used to the noise, activity and idea of having a puppy in the household. :)  She is problably very scared of the puppy right now and will take time to adjust.
