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male parrotlet beak

22 17:48:44

I have a 10 yr old male parrotlet. I noticed yesterday while doing a body check on him, there is a brownish spot under his nostrils at the top of the beak. It expands from one side to the other and isn't really wide though. Nothing behaviorally has changed or his droppings etc.
I hope this is something that can be easily remedied.
His feathers are not in good condition as well but I have observed him plucking at times. He has been this way feather wise for about last 3 years. They have seed diet but also offered fresh veggies daily as well as birdy bread which contains ground pellets.
Thank you for your time and help

Hello Annette.  Thank you for posting.
First, your bird should not be on an all seed diet.  Seeds are fine as an occasional treat or reward, but they do lack the proper nutrients that birds need.  They are also very high in fat, wich can cause your bird to have liver and kidney problems.  They also will lodge in your birds throat, or tear up the inside of your bird's mouth.
Your bird should be seen by a Certified avian or an Exotic Animal Vet to rule out any of these conditions.  
A proper diet will help to ensure that his feathers will begin to come back into a good shape.  If he is plucking, then this could be a sign that there is a health problem with him, it could be something as simple as worms, which can be cured fairly easily, or it could be a serious problem such a kidney or a liver problem, which is fatal.
I am unable to diagnose what the problem is because I am not able to see the bird, nor am I a vet.  I do know, however, that from what you are saying, his diet is not a  properly balanced diet and it needs to be corrected.

Please take him in to be checked, and please let me know how he's doing, and what the vet says.

Good luck and God Bless.