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my baby glorie

22 17:48:44

Hello , i hope you can help me, my bidgie has had about 20 eggs over the course of 2 months and she is in a cage all by herself and has had no male with her, can you please tell me what i can give her so she will stop, i am scared she will died from having so many, hope you can help, avis.

Hello Avis and thank you for your post.
You do have a good reason to be concerned about your baby's health.  The first thing to do is to get a calcium block and put it into your bird's cage (you'll want to have one or two extra as she will probably eat the first one within a week or so).  Do NOT use cuttlebone!!  Cuttlebones are not easily digested and they can break off and lodge in your baby's throat.  You can get the calcium block from your local WalMart or pet shop, and they are not expensive.  Also, be sure to give some Avian Vitamins.  This will help to replenish the nutrients that she has lost.
With that being said, there are a few things that you can do to help break this cycle.  Start by covering her cage for several hours a day.  This will help "trick" her body into thinking it's night time and time to sleep.  Let her have about 4 hours of sunlight a day (she still needs to get some sunlight to remain healthy).
Lower the Temperature in the room that she is in.  She will be comfortable at a temperature of about 68 degrees, and this will be an aid to tricking her body into thinking that the weather is getting cooler.
If these don't work, take Glorie into a Certified Avian or an Exotic Animal Vet.  They can give her a hormone shot that will last for a few months, and this shot will stop the egg laying.  One of the vets that I use for my birds at one time had even considered doing a hysterectomy on one of my females due to incessive egg laying.
Remember, this is not something that can be cured over night.  Sometimes it takes several weeks to Break this cycle, but it does have to be broken for the health of your bird.

Please keep me posted on how she's doing.

Good luck and God Bless.