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Indian ring neck feather loss

22 17:38:05

QUESTION: I have had my sister's indian ring neck for around a year now (he is 5 years old) and he adapted to our family beautifully, is now housed inside and gets more attention. Just lately all his feathers are starting to 'shed'. He still has most over his body, but around his head he is very sparse and you can see the feather follicles and skin. He doesn't seemed stressed and he is not a feather plucker. This has been happening for about a month now, and it worries me. He used to live outdoors before, and I take him outside in his cage every so often.
Thanking you in advance..

ANSWER: Hello,
I would suggest taking him to a vet. Although, he could be molting.

Otherwise, is his diet ok? Make sure he gets more food than just seeds and water.

Hope this helps,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Carly..thanks for the speedy answer! His diet is pretty good, I give him the standard parrot mix, as well as a diet of drieg figs (which he goes nuts for!), apple, and other fruits and veg. I also give him blossoms from the tree from time to time.
He isn't much af a chatter (which I worry about) but other than this, he doesn't appear stressed and is quite happy making the odd noises in his mirror.
It is summertime here, but he has never molted like this and it's mainly around the top of the head. His feathers are rough looking at the moment.

It is hard to say what could be wrong, but I'm sure he is just molting. My Ringneck recently took just about a month to molt! Which was pretty long..

If you want to, you should take him to the vet for a simple avian exam. If the vets notice anything wrong with him, then you will find out. Of course this will cost a lot of money..$50-$100 in my town. haha

If you can't take him to the vet, then I suggest just waiting and see what happens.

Hope this helps,