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Toxins- PTFE - Non stick coating

22 17:41:31

Hi, first I would like to thank you very much for volunteering to answer all these questions.  I have a green cheek conure and I am thinking about getting a roommate.  I have recently read that irons, iron boards and even curling/flat irons have PTFE in them.  Now I am very concerned about getting a roommate who uses these products.  Do you know what levels of PTFE are released by these products when heated, if I live in a small apartment should these products not be used at all, or are they safe enough to use behind closed doors with windows open?  Please let me know, I will definately rethink roommates if it will endanger my bird.  Thanks


Thanks for your question. PTFE is a non stick coating. Very similar to Teflon. So it is used also in cooking pans as well as irons and hair straitening irons. From my understanding, it is only potentially carcinogenic in powder form if inhaled. You are unlikely to come across it in powdered form in every day life. It is very unlikely to present a hazard when used in a coating form, so try not to over worry. It is however a good idea to keep your bird out of reach of these items incase it chews on them.When ingested, most metals are toxic to birds.

Where your new roommate is concerned, I would be more worried about household toxins such as perfumes, room fresheners, hair sprays and cleaning products, scented candles and incense. Obviously you can't stop using these things all together, just explain to your roommate to keep these things to a minimum and not use them around the bird, and just be careful when cleaning.

Get a carbon monoxide detector and attach it near your gas heater or boiler. This will detect the highly dangerous fumes that you wouldn't otherwise be able to smell.

Other things to avoid are in the diet too. Chocolate and coffee, sugars and cherry pips are all dangerous. Avocado is fatal.

The biggest no, no around birds apart from avocado, is smoking.

But with the iron and such like, just be careful, but don't over worry.
