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My budgie is very quiet, and acts weird...

23 9:30:52

I just got my bird (Snow) recently from a pet store. It was very lively and it communicated with her friends a lot. When I got her home in her cage she started chirping a few times and then stopped. (the cage is located in my bedroom) Through the two entire days ever since I got her, she was extreamly quiet. Also, She already got tamed in the two days was on my finger and was very happy but she does not like to play with her toys or fly but likes to perch on my finger rather than flying around. I thought budgies like to fly around for exercise. Is something bothering her? Because I have no other pets and its quiet at my house. She didn't even like the millet spray I suppose. Thanks for helping.


Since you've only had your bird for two days she is probably extremely scared. This is probably the first time she has ever been away from other birds, and she is in a strange environment with people she doesn't know. Even though she steps onto your finger and everything, she is probably still nervous about it.

And if she came for a pet store, her wings have probably been trimmed. They will grow back eventually, but it can sometimes take months and months for them to come back in completely.

Here are some articles available online that should help you with your new birdie:

I hope this helps.
