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Parakeet not eating

22 17:59:02

On 6/21/06 a question was asked about a parakeet that was not eating and was sitting puffed up on his/her perch.  There was not a reply to this and it is what we are seeing here at home.  Our parakeet, a rescue from the great outdoors!) usually chatters some during the day but not the last two days, my husband put new water and food in last night but she has not interest.  Also, he cleans her cage outside using cedar sawdust(fine)and then shakes it loose but there is a small amount left in the cage bottom, could this finally be getting to her? She was rescued in June in the heat of East Texas.  No idea of her age.  Thanks for your help.  Pamela McKenzie

Hi, Pamela.  Thanks for posting!

When a bird sits fluffed up on a perch and is not eating, it could be a temporary thing that might last a couple of days or it could be something more serious.  Is this bird loosing any weight (is the bird's keel [breast] bone protruding at all)?  When birds sit fluffed up, sometimes it's to mask the fact that they are loosing weight (fluffing up feathers makes it hard to see weight loss).  Other times, it could just mean they are cold and/or just aren't feeling up to par that day.  

Sawdust could be the problem, as bird's respiratory systems are very sensitive and perhaps some of the sawdust has resulted in health issue(s).

It would be best to have this bird seen by an avian veterinarian just to be on the safe side.  You should do this right away, as a bird's health can deteriorate quickly.
