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new cockatiel, gets angry.

22 17:39:09

 I got my cockatiel a couple days ago and it seems to be doing ok for the most part. I think he's 6 to 8 months old.  I got him from a reputable bird store who buys from breeders. He takes millet from my hand.  He doesn't move around very much.  The reason I write is because he occasionally goes in these pacing, screeching fits.  He walks back and forth on his highest perch, sometimes rather quickly, with his head lowered and his crest down.  After a few minutes of that he starts screeching and climbing around, stepping in his food and throwing it around.  I don't know why he gets so crabby at random times.  Do you have any ideas as to why he's doing what he's doing?


He's not angry, he's excited.  Perhaps he hears or sees something that is making him react this way.

You might want to keep a log of when it happens and what is going on at the time.  That will give you clues to the external stimulus that is causing his screech attacks!

Good luck,
