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intro duing a knew cockatiel

23 9:29:58

I have had my cockatiel for just under 4 years and he has always been extrememly tame; being very affectionate towards me , cuddling up to my face and letting me preen his face. However, i recently got a new cockatiel to keep him company whilst i am at school. he has now bcome e
xtremely visciouse towards me when around it. H eis fine when he is not with it, but when they are out together he will follow it around and attack me whne i go to stroke it. The knew cockatiel is just over 2months old, we are not sure whether it is male or female. Could be trying to protect it beacuse its so young?
Will this be an on-going problem, should i consider re-homing the knew cockatiel?  

Hey Francesca,

I did the same thing you did. When I was at school, I got another cocketiel for mine to be friends with. Well after that, mine was very mean to me, and never let me touch him. About five days later, he ended up being friendly to everyone. But here is what you need to do: Make sure you NEVER give on extra attention. This can be a big mistake even if it doesn't seem like it. Just make sure they don't get jealous because they can attack eachother. Please let me know if you have anymore questions! Good luck.
