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my three doves

22 17:37:42

are my three doves molting? they are loosing their feathers everywhere and they are cleaning each other every time i look at them. even the two males are cleaning each other. As they clean each other they are pulling out feathers and when they flap their wings they are loosing feathers as well. Only one of my doves can fly because of a careless mistake from a petstore but the one that can fly, when he flies his feathers wind up everywhere. and they two that cannot fly, their feathers get all over the bed when i have them sitting on it(well on a towel on the bed). Could this be molting? and if so are there any ways i can help them molt faster?

Yes, this is molting and there is nothing you can do to make it go along faster. Just make sure they are getting grit.

If you are concerned, I would take them to a vet. ;) Or call a vet.