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budgies and breeding

22 17:48:18

i was told that if budgies didn't have a nesting box available that they wouldn't breed  - is this correct?
my pair has just started hatching their first clutch and i was planning on taking the nesting box away after they are reared to prevent more babies -
thanks for any help

Hello yep without a box budgies normaly wont breed. You are best to take the chicks a few weeks early to finished handfeeding them as the parens Will relay before the babies have left the enst then you are faced with thorwing out fertile eggs that will turn into little baby budgies in a few short days...I couldnt toss my budgies eggs and the only way I got them to stop was take there last babies out at 4 weeks and handfeed them myself and removed the nest Before they relayed,