Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > my cockateil is panting

my cockateil is panting

22 17:54:24

my female bird is pregant  but she is really panting i dont know if is something wrong she is eating and drinking ok

Hi, Sharon.  Thanks for posting!

Female parrots don't get pregnant, they lay eggs.  Egg shells are formed at the end of the reproductive cycle, that is, an egg shell develops just before an egg is laid.  A female parrot doesn't carry a bunch of eggs around inside her and then lay them.  Therefore, I'd say there's something else going on with your female.  Could she be about ready to lay an egg?  Has she laid any eggs up to this point?  How much cuttlebone does she have available?  A panting bird can be a serious situation.

I need more details from you about what is going on in order to help you further.  All the information you can provide will help.

