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Sick or Abused Parakeets

22 17:49:39

I have a 2 year old parakeet.  I got him from someone else about 6 months ago. But I have also owned Parakeets before. From what I understand about his history, he wasn't wanted, they didn't pay attention to him, sometimes he went without food, and I'm sure they never even took him out of the cage. He doesn't seem to act like a bird should. My problem is, He's been plucking out his own feathers, when I walk by the cage he jumps and flaps his wings as if in distress,  he will chirp only to the TV, and doesn't chirp when I try to talk or whistle to him, he wont come out of his cage even if I leave it open for a couple hours. I wouldn't dare put my hand in there, because he would flap and squawk. And I'm not sure if this is because of trauma, or if because he might be sick. And my question is what could be wrong, and what can I do to help this bird? I'm in tears daily because he doesn't seem happy. And, I don't know what else I can do.


From what you are telling me it sounds like you have a healthy bird with some behavior problems. (not the birds fault) More than anything else keep in mind what makes us happy may not make the bird happy. This parakeet probably appreciates you very much for all that you have given so far. I assure he is much happier now that he was before you got him.

Just be patient, do not rush anything. When you talk to it, use soothing tones, almost like you would be talking to a baby. Spend time next to the cage when you can, just sit there. Don't expect anything, just building trust so that you will teach it that you are not a threat. Once it use to you just sitting there, the we can move on to putting your hand in cage etc. Don't let it out of the cage until you have it trained for the up command. The reason I says this is because once you let it out, you have to catch it to put it back in (traumatized bird again). I hope this helps if you need any additional advice, let me know.
