Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > diet-softfood


22 17:40:59

hi,my name is jose and i'm from kerala,India.I have some african lovebirds.i have read that soft food is good for them.what exactly is soft food do i prepare it.

Hi, Jose,

"Soft" food is any food that is not "hard."  Some examples:

Soft foods:  cooked brown rice, vegetables, fruits, whole/multi grain breads, etc.

Hard foods:  seed, pellets

Your parrots need a variety of healthy, nutritious human foods, in addition to pelleted food, in order to remain healthy and happy.  Seed is high in fat and low in nutritional value and should be offered as an occasional treat or reward for positive behavior.  A poor diet for a parrot is an all-seed diet.
