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lovebirds cockatiels

23 9:30:26

I am getting a bird soon and i want a fun and loving bird that i can make want to be with me i am only getting one bird so it will care for me more and not some other bird, do u think a lovebird would be better for me or a cockatiel?
My budgie died 3 weeks ago and he usto bit me all the time, i would like one that would be less prown to bit.. if thats posible..


14 year old girl  

Hello Jenn and thank you for your question,

If you get a handfed baby bird from a breeder a lovebird or a cockatiel would be a great choice. i got my handfed male lovebird from a breeder he will nibble your finger nail/lips and ears but he doesnt bite no matter how you hold him i can turn him upside down (for a second to show others he doesnt bite) and he just squaks til hes right side up again. A cocaktiel if handfed you can get from anywhere if its young it will be tame and freidnyl but a lovebird handfed or not kept in a petstore cage full of other lovebirds tends to be hateful and bitey so if you go with a lovey go looking for a private breeder.