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Ringneck dove eggs

22 17:37:58

I received 2 doves for Christmas 1 female and 1 male. The female laid her 1st egg 9 days after I received them ( but were alone in the same cage for a month before) and her 2nd egg 2 days later. They have both been very dedicated to sitting the eggs 24 hours a day. Today is the 19th day since they started the incubation process and still the eggs have not hatched, but they are very protective of them. When is it appropriate to discard of the eggs. I don't want to upset them and I also want them to trust me.

Well, are you expecting the eggs to hatch?

If you do not want the eggs to hatch, then crack them as soon as possible.

At this point the eggs should have already hatched now, so I would take them away now. So, they are probably not fertile. I would take them away whenever the doves stop sitting on them. Maybe in another 5 days if they don't stop sitting on them. Doves will always be laying a new clutch of eggs, so I'm sure they will still trust you. ;)
