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Hen harrassment

22 17:37:04

I am a first time chicken owner and my four hens and one rooster all came to me as chicks about a year and a half ago. Six months ago they all looked beautiful and healthy and then suddenly they all (especially the hens) started to look a little roughed up. The hens lost tailfeathers and neck feathers and the feathers at the end of their wings look broken. Some of them became bald underneath. I went to the local "chicken guy" and he said he rooster was mounting them too often. Soon after one of the hens got pecked in the eye and blinded on one side. The other hens harassed her and destroyed her little head gobbler, plus wouldn't allow her near food or water. She is now seperated and looking better but not laying anymore. The other chickens attack the fence when I let her play near their enclosure so I can't put her back n with them. They are all looking bedraggled and even the rooster has bloody patch around his neck and grey feathers where they used to be bright and colorful (around neck and just before tail plume). Should I get rid of the rooster? What on earth do I do with him? Will the other hens ever let the injured one back in? I would appreciate any advice.

Hello Rebecca, I do not normally answer questions without the question code as if it isn't included it often means my profile hasn't been looked at.

I would consider getting rid of the rooster or getting more hens. Some roosters need a bigger flock than others and get stressed out and harass the hens more if their flock isn't big enough. I would get another hen, introduce her to the injured one and then when they make friends introduce them both; that way they have each other to turn to if they are getting beat up.

If any of the hens have blood on them spray them with purple spray (you can get this from your feed store) so that they cannot see the blood- they automatically peck anything red. Also you can use stockholm tar on the feathers as it tastes foul and stops them from pecking each other.

Thanks for your question.