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Love bird companionship

23 9:30:58

I had 2 lovebirds from same parents. One died after 13 years. The other, 14 years old, looks sad. Should I get him another one to keep him company? If, yes, what should I choose, a young one, an old one?

Hi, Ahmet.  Thanks for posting.

I'm so sorry about your loss.  There's no doubt the existing lovebird is mourning the loss of it's sibling and companion.  You might want to wait a little while before purchasing a new lovebird to see how the lovebird behaves after getting more used to being without it's companion.  Is it you that is sad about the loss and not so much the remaining lovebird?  The living lovebird doesn't need another bird to keep him company if you spend time with s/he every day, unless the existing lovebird isn't tame and you don't interact with s/he much.  The choice to get another lovebird is, of course, up to're around the lovebird and can better judge whether acquiring a new lovebird is the right thing to do based on your knowledge of this bird and it's behavior.  You could go either way regarding age...a younger lovebird with lots of energy and enthusiasm might be just what the 14-year old lovebird needs, but then again, if it's personality is such, you might want to purchase a lovebird who's been around for a while.  This all depends on the individual personality of the living bird and what s/he might tolerate at it's age and what you want to do.
