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Live together in peace.

23 9:30:57

I have a parakeet and a friend is thinking of giving up his tiel.  I said I would take it if and only if they can be in the same cage.
Can two different birds live in the same cage.  I have a big enough cage for two birds now.
Thanks in advance.


Hi, Cathy.  Thanks for posting.

Whether the 2 birds can live together in the same cage depends on the personalities of the individual birds.  This is not a species-specific's an individual bird question.  Since you're there and I'm here, I can't comment much more on this part because I'm not familiar with these birds.  In my experiences with keets and tiels living together, sometimes keets like to pick on tiels, but, again, this depends on the individual birds involved.  Also, their diet can be different, depending on what type of diet they are on.  In other words, they may eat the same veggies, etc., but pelleted food size is different (keet pellets are smaller because their beak is smaller) and they eat different types of seed (if seed is provided, which I don't recommend), etc.  As long as the 2 birds get along well and you can provide the different diets required in the same cage, this setup would be fine.
