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can a cockatiel choke?

22 17:39:17

My cockatiel was on the table eating breakfast with us, she loves chewing on waffles, when suddenly she made this weird noise, and wouldn't close her beak and was in a daze(but not startled). We thought she was choking, because she was also moving her neck in a weird way.I got her some water, and grabbed her and tried to massage her crop. Then she flew and was fine. My question being, is it possible for birds to choke? She always eats a bit of waffles, she loves them,but we don't give them to her super often. Her diet consists of pellets and millet. Was she choking, or did she hurt her beak or something?


A cockatiel can absolutely choke.  I myself have regrettably witnessed a cockatiel die from choking on a millet hull.  The hull blocked her airway.  It can happen; cockatiels will stretch their necks and attempt to dislodge the item.  It is not advisable to hit or tap a cockatiel in an attempt to knock it out of them, as you might do with a human.

Thanks for writing.
