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dog sarcoptic mange to birds?

22 17:47:52

I need to know if the sarcoptic mange from dogs is transferable to my pet birds.  I know this is contagious to humans (though short lived on humans), but I have been housing 4 small housedogs, a guinea pig and a ferret (for local animal control) in my animal shelter office where I have my parakeets, cockatiels, finches and lovebird.  These animals came from filthy conditions and now mange is showing up.  They were to the vet yesterday for treatment but I didn't think to ask about my birds.  Is it possible for the sarcoptic mange that lives on the dogs and that is transmissible to humans also transmissible to my birds?  If so, what is the precautionary treatment for the birds?  I only was trying to help out the poor little housedogs by not having them in the local pound with the pit bulls, etc., but now I see that I should not have done this.  It has only put my office animals at risk.  A lesson learned, but too late.

Hello Donna and thank you for your post.
Although I am not a vet in any way, it seems to me that if mange, in any form, is contageous from dogs to cats, or humans, and so on, then it would be contageous to birds also (but I really don' know).  Try giving your vet a call and ask him.  He'll be better able to give you an answer than I would.
Please let me know what you find out.  You do have me curious (I am taking one of my pets in to the vet this week, I will also be sure to ask him).

Good luck and God Bless.