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cockatiels and quails

22 17:37:53

i was thinking about getting my first pet bird and thought that cockatiels
could be a good way to start on birds. i researched these birds online but was
hoping to get an expert's knowledge. i would like to know the basic care for
these birds including perches, what toys and accessories, diet (good brand of
pellet), treats, grooming needs, good ways to tame these birds, their basic
needs in cage space, and whether they need to be in pairs. also i saw stuff
about button quails which seemed cool. do you know anything about these or
if they could easily coexist with cockatiel. if you know anything or know
someone who knows anything about these quails could you tell be the same
basics fro them as for the cockatiels

Cockatiels are a great bird to start off with, also with a button quail. Starting off with a cockatiel will be more reasonable however. You can easily learn much information about cockatiels and button quails on the internet. Just simply go to and search cockatiels. I can give you some sites I personally like.

sites on Button quails:

sites on Cockatiels:

Hope this helps,