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Parakeet, sick

22 17:59:02

I am typing for my 7 year old daughter.  Her keet has gotten really fat and his face has started turning light brown around his eyes, beaks and forehead.  He has trouble flying to the rods in his cage.  Is he sick or just old?  We have had him two years and he was a baby when we got him.

Hi, Taylor.  Thanks for posting!

I don't know if your keet is sick or not.  He's not old if he's only 2 years old.  If he's on an all-seed diet, I'm sure he's overweight and likely not healthy (all-seed diets are nutritionally deficient).  Sounds to me like this bird needs to see the birdie vet (avian veterinarian) for a medical evaluation to rule out illness.  Not a cat/dog vet, but a vet certified in treating aves.
