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jake birds eye

22 17:49:48

Hi Dianna. I have a green cheek conure. as you know they have white rings around their eyes where feathers do not grow. looking at him this morning, i noticed that his one eye ( his right eye) has a pink discoloration in about two spots around that white right. one is right in the top middle of the eye, abd the other in the corner of the eye. Now he has lots of feathers coming in around his crown, and i know he is doing alot of scratching around his head and eyes, so perhaps maybe he just scratched his eye, i didn't get around to getting his nails just yet. I'm really worried, even though the pink is very very faint, i just know my bird, and i'd hate for him to be in pain. He's housed next to my two parakeets, and maybe he has an allergy to their dander? i know their feathers are different, and maybe their powder in their feathers could be causing this?

Hello Sara.  Thank you for posting.
Keep a watch on your bird.  He may have simply scratched himself and irritated his eye a bit.  If it looks worse in about a day (or less) or if it looks like it's irritating him,  then get him into a Certified Avian or Exotic Animal Vet right away and have him checked and possibly put on antibiotics to help clear any infections that may be starting.

Good luck and God Bless.