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Please Help!!! One of my Ringnecks is ill...

22 17:46:58

I have two Ring Neck Doves, "Ease" and "Obahdiah".I have my suspicions that they are both female,( I have probed the pelvic area, but yet one still "coos", however, I was told that "Obie" was a boy.) An egg, the second non-fertile one in the past two months was laid earlier this week. Ease did most of the sitting on it, but as usual, gave up soon, and has not sat on it. "Obie" was trying to bring nesting material up to the nest all week. Anyway, the past few days Obie seemed cold like never before. By this I mean Obie has been staying in one corner of it's huge flight cage by the 60 watt lamp I have placed near the cage ( Obie has not done this behavior before ).Other than that, Obie was not acting too much different than normal. Obie was perky and drinking, eating, and defecating well. This morning when I came into work Obie was still by the light, but extremely lethargic. I picked Obie up and there was a a clump of diarrhea on the anus, some what of a clogging, I tried to remove with warm water. I then noticed that the opening looked almost like an egg had passed through, by this I mean, it was large ( huge ), red on the edges, and as I said defecation was all over, messy, diarrhea around this area. After holding Obie and crying, I made a box with warm clothes and put a heat rock near under the box I had had around for one of my Herpes. that had passed of old age earlier this year. Obie's breathing is shallow. I covered the cage turned up the room temperature ( after holding Obie near me as we sat in front of the heater together and I cried uncontrollably, while trying to soooth Obie, also). Obie is in the cage now, in the box in a winter hat, which is on top of the heat rock. Is Obie dying? Is there ANYTHING I can do? Please help me. I'm lost. Do I just take Obie home (with Ease?) in a carrier and hold Obie until Obie passes away or is there a treatment I can start? I have many animals, including an African grey, Green cheek Conuire, Tarantula's, 2 Chihuahuas, and a cat, but when it comes to these Ring Necks, that I received as rescues, I am clueless...PLEASE I BEG YOU. Do you have any advice?

Hello Sandra and thank you for your post.
You need to get Obei into a Certified Avian Vet or an Exotic Animal Vet RIGHT AWAY.  It sounds like she's eggbound, and if left untreated, this is ALWAYS a fatal condition.  
This is an Emergency that warrants a vet trip.Please keep me updated.  I will be praying for Obie.

Good luck and God Bless.