Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > infection


23 9:33:47

My Aunt's baby cockatiel has steph and acinetabactervaunanii infection.  I have never heard of the last infection. Can you tell me where I can go on the web to look this up?  Her bird is very sick and under a vet's care. I have tried a goggle search but come up with nothing.  Thank-you so much for your time, it means alot.  Joyce  

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find anything either. However, your Aunt's vet should be able to provide her with information and answer any questions you have.

You could also try contacting a local bird club or rescue group and asking the same question you just asked me.

You can locate a bird club or rescue group in your area here:


Sorry I couldn't help more.
