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housing ring necked doves

22 17:47:33

Long story....shorten it down.
My late wife and I used to raise quite a few species of small birds.
When we heard the horror stories of what people were doing to their birds we quit immediately.
Anyway I have gone from over a hundred down to a little more than a dozen.
I rescued a pair of ring necked doves about a year ago.(S.P.C.A.) They are so cute and I just had to have a baby or 2(I really miss the baby birds,the hand feeding,listening to the sounds the mom and dad make,watching the infinite patience the dad shows when he teaches the babies to eat!!!!)
I would like to put the 2 males in with either the 5 budgies or the 4 cockatiels.
What do you think??
Thanks for any advice.

Hello Terry and thank you for your post.
I am sorry that it took so long for me to answer you, but I had computer problems that are hopefully resolved now.
Both Budgies and Cokcatiels are pretty dosile birds, so as long as there is enough room, I don't see any problem with housing the Doves with either.  Just keep a watch on them to be sure that there is no fighting.

Good luck and God Bless.