Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > cockiteals


23 9:30:30

i have a albino cockiteal that keeps over plucking his wings, so bad that they bleed, you can even see the red flesh/skin of the wing when he opens them. i took him to a vet one night when they started to bleed but the told me he was over plucking due to bordeum and that i should get him some toys. i got hims some toys but hes still plucking. any suggestions? please respond. thanks.  

Hi, Amanda.  Thanks for posting.

Plucking is related to psychological or medical reasons.  If there are no medical reasons, which an avian veterinarian would have to determine, then the problem is psychological.  You have to get to the bottom of the psychological problem to stop the plucking.  The psychological problem could be lack of toys, the bird doesn't like the toys you've provided s/he, something has changed in your household (addition/deletion of people or other animals), change of cage location, furniture being changed/home remodeling, not enough attention from you and/or a change in the amount of attention, etc., etc....could be any number of reasons.  Since you are the closest to what's going on in your situation, you'll have to try to determine what the problem is and go from there.
