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parakeet training

23 9:29:07


Recently I rescued a parakeet from the great outdoors and have decided to keep the fellow since I have not been able to find the owners.  I've read various tips on hand training and have been working with the bird daily.  However, the bird has grown very attached to the mirror in the cage.  I don't want to get another bird until I tame this one, but the bird is not nearly as calm and talkative without it.  Is it ok to remove the mirror during the day when I am trying to train him, then replace it at night, or will the bird see me as the bad guy for taking away his freind.  Maybe I should just get rid of the mirror, altogether?

Thanks for your help,

Hello Diane,

I have heard many different opinions on mirrors. Many say that it frusturates birds, because it wont respond to them. I do recommend tking it away in training, and anything else that may distract it. Don't get rid of it, until you get another bird. Of course, there is no need for a mirror when he has a real friend. Enjoy the fun of a parakeet.
