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cockatiel living with white dove

22 17:58:28


I have a white ringneck dove since August.  It is a young adult, I still have no clue if it is a male or female but I think it is a male.  I just bought a hand fed Cockatiel appros. 7-9 months old.  The two birds have been in contact with each other and follow each other around constantly.  Occasionaly, they peck at each other.  Is that normal?  Will it cause a problem?

Hi, Rhonda.  Thanks for posting!

The 2 birds can live in the same home together, but don't allow them to live in the same cage together.  It's OK if they are buds.  I'm sure they will peck at each other, just like all birds do when they are with other birds.  This situation will be OK, as long as the 2 get along together.  Just be aware that the tiel can most likely inflict more damage on the dove than the dove on the tiel due to the type of beak the tiel has.  The dove can only peck; the tiel can bite.  Watch them closely when they are together.
