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How do you stop a lovebird from biteing her baby?

22 17:50:23

well, my lovebird,fluffy keeps on biting her baby,maxy and maxy makes crying noises and im am worried that maxy will die! so can you please help me.

Hi Wendy,

There are a few reasons that a mom would try injure her baby. In the wild babies who are unhealthy are not usually cared for by the parents. Some parents will even throw them out of the nest. It is possible that the baby is not healthy, or that the mom is not healthy. It is difficult to take care of young properly if the bird does not feel well.

Another possibility is if your mom was hand raised and never exposed to adults caring for their young then she probably did not learn how to care for her young. For social animals raising young is a learned skill. If there was not the opportunity to watch others then she would not have the proper skills to raise young.

In either case you need to separate the two immediately and taken them to your avian veterinarian. You will have to take on the responsibility of hand feeding and raising the young yourself.

Since I don't not have experience in breeding birds I suggest you ask one of the other experts about hand rearing babies. I also have links on my website to excellent resources that may help you.
